Our association was formed to provide social & cultural activities for Tuscan immigrants, their families & friends. It is recognised by Florence in Italy as Queensland’s official social & cultural organisation for Tuscany.
Each year, we promote the Tuscan culture by organising dinners, lunches, exhibitions & various socio-cultural gatherings. The association keeps in constant contact with the Tuscan region & in particular one of its provinciual cities: Lucca.
La cucina lucchese e’ tipica per la sua genuinita’ e semplicita’. Come tutte le cucine di origine contadina e’ fatta di ingredienti poveri ed e’ legata alla stagionalita’ delle colture. Parte preponderante nella cucina lucchese spetta al maiale che costituiva la principale risorsa dell’agricoltore che lo allevava alimentandolo con ogni sorta di nutriente (in gran parte lo scarto dell’alimentazione quotidiana del contadino).
I piatti della nostra citta’ vengono accompagnati dai vini tipici locali, che non presentano un eccessivo contenuto alcoolico, di scarso invecchiamento, ma, al contempo, vellutati e pieni di sapore. Una particolare menzione va all’olio d’oliva prodotto nelle nostre terre che è in assoluto il migliore al mondo. Il nostro intento e’ quello di divulgare le principali ricette della cucina tipica locale, in gran parte nata nelle nostre zone anche in tempi assai lontani e tramandate fino ai nostri giorni. La cucina tipica lucchese si caratterizza per un certo numero di “primi” e di “dessert”, mentre per quanto riguarda i “secondi” ed i “contorni” la scelta e’ piu’ limitata.
The Lucchese cuisine is known for its genuineness & simplicity. Like all country style cuisines, it consists of simple ingredients which are often tied to the produce of the season. The dominant ingredient in the Lucchese kitchen has been pork which was the principal resource from its agriculture. This was due to the fact that this animal could be raised on all sorts of foods & grains which were often discarded by the peasants.
The dishes from this city are often accompanied by local wines which are typically light & young vintages. Of course, the olive oil produced in this province is considered to be amongst the best in the world with our major producer being Bertolli.
The typical Lucchese cuisine is characterised by a numerous first courses & desserts, whilst the number of typical main and side dishes are not so plentiful.